Tag Archives: 2 oceans meet

Southernmost Tip of Africa, Cape Agulhas, Western Cape, South Africa, 9 April 2013


After 3 glorious weeks of travelling through the beautiful South Africa, I’m finally back!

Thanks to Sarah who nominated me for a Liebster Award Here are a few questions she asked:

  1. Mountains, beach or city? – Mountains and Beach. When there’s a combination of both, it’s always spectacular. 
  2. Favourite travel book? – Rough Guide’s “Make the most of your time on earth” series
  3. If you could only travel to one more destination where would it be? – New York. I know this contradicts point number 1. But everyone has to see NYC right? 
  4. Best luggage packing tip? Always pack a scarf in. It’s the most versatile piece of clothing. from keeping you warm, to keeping you dry , to acting as a sunscreen. 
  5. Do you offset your carbon when travelling, or would you (why or why not)? unfortunately not. All the places I have been require flying.
  6. How do you commemorate your travels (photo album, scrap book, ornaments, paintings….)? This blog 🙂
  7. What tech do you use whilst travelling (phone, camera, tablet, gps…)? Canon 600d and my trusty iphone as it’s not always possible to carry a big bulky camera everywhere.
  8. Where are you planning to travel to this year? Peru, Greece and Petra
  9. What is your favourite mode of transport and why? At the destination by foot because it’s the best way to see any town.
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? Rome, as an architecture graduate it has always been my dream to live in this ancient city. Plus the Italians make the best food.
  11. Recommend to us the blog post you are most proud of and tell us why. It would have to be the Colosseum post, as I had waited 8 years to finally see it in person. I remember walking up to it and rubbing my cheek all over it and thinking “I’m finally here”.

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